FUTURE 5/25/17 -


Janus needs to be in more active stage of developing his movement for a movie.

Need to skip around even if in novel to accelerate the building of his movement.

Janus was raised in large part by Yorik, an AI. As a result he thinks more like an AI than a human in many ways.

"Organizing people centers on telling three nested narratives: the story of self, the story of us, and the story of now."

Start not with policy proposals or high concepts like justice but with biographies — their own, and those of the people they hope to mobilize.

What are the stories you tell about yourself? Why do you tell them that way? How can we find connections across our stories of origin that build trust and common cause? That work then flows into the story of us: the collective narratives of challenge, choice and purpose that emerge from any community — that, in fact, help define it.

Once that shared narrative is activated, the organizer can connect it to the fierce urgency of now: a story about why this is the “movement moment,” when individual and collective motivations converge, and when action is needed and possible. Why this and no other time is the time for change.

Of these three stories, the middle one — about us — is crucial. Any effort to exercise citizen power depends on creating new answers to the question: Who is “us”?

This redrawing of the circles is also how “deep canvassing” — intensive face-to-face front-porch conversations based on personal storytelling — can change minds and win adherents on contentious issues

One of the strategies... found most effective was “analogic perspective taking,” in which canvassers would invite citizens to talk about times when they’d been treated unfairly for seeming “different.” From there, the canvasser could pivot to what those citizens had in common with [those they fought on behalf of] and could often awaken enough empathy to reduce bias.

This is more than stepping into someone else’s shoes — it’s stepping into the story of how someone else came to be wearing those shoes.

In Praise of Idleness by Bertrand Russell


This might serve as the foundational theme of Janus' ideological opposition.


Janus is a young liberal initially. He learn, matures, and ages and becomes conservative over the course of the story, his education.

Where is the bias in my story?