Writing video games
- Susan O’Connor lives in Austin. Game writer
- Narrative department, online masterclass
- Gamedevmap.com
- Average age of gamers is 33
- VESA.com
- Games are changing audiences
- Hamlet on the holodeck, the future of narrative in cyberspace, book
- What is a cross cut in video games, VR?
- “Nolan movies are easier to understand if you think of them as games”, solving a puzzle. Out of order. Mods? Hacks? Prisoners dilemma ? Boss battle. Alternate reality. Levels. Learning rules of a new world. Nameless dudes with guns. Playing with physics. Sending avatars to levels to solve problems.
- Chris swain (USC), Film didn’t come into its own until it learned to talk. Then it became the dominant storytelling medium.
- “Games don’t need to learn how to talk. We need games to learn to listen.”
- We need the game to respond to us, to play together.
- Eventually games won’t be called games anymore.
- Writers who understand games are ahead of the curve.
- Game writing is about helping the player create their own story
- Driven by player agency
- How much agency is enough? Players want freedom but a great story too. Each studio gives players different degrees of freedom.
- Too much freedom impacts story.
- Florence mobile game, keeps you on rails