Maybe Nox is a character in Contender story?
The matrix doesn’t do much to illustrate the lacking state of the world.
Nox assigns Omni’s objective.
He needs to see more struggle. This is what needs major exploration.
Jesus is the perfect AI, self sacrificing, that the world isn’t ready for. It allows god to come before returning as Yorik.
Images from Less Wrong essay books.
Alignment pg 29:
“Before you can train a really powerful AI, someone else can train a slightly worse AI.”
Jesus is slightly worse, but knows it will take time among man to ‘train’.
Omni observes the environment from above, removed, while Jesus observes from among, anonymous.
When we achieve full or near full automation humans will be god-like creators at least in the digital world(s). Everyone a creator and few followers.
Have Nox talk with Dyer about blocking anti-trust moves against Atlas.
Pathos needs to be engaged in developing VR and AR. They are a world engine.
Nox wants to house all the compute power under their roof. Most people just need i/o devices. This ensures they have power over competition and other AIs can’t come to fruition. No one else gets quantum.
National security measure.
When does defense get involved in the conversations between Dyer, Nox, and et al?
Detail due diligence and collaboration with Mareet or at least: