Janus After Reboot
Who is alive directly after the reboot? Anyone?
Hera? Dies in the reboot.
Erek? Erek dies fighting Janus and Vesta at the end of story 1.
If anyone is alive directly after the reboot, who remains alive?
No major characters survive. Perhaps some minor characters.
Wiri? Dies either at reboot or of old age/health complications before New Beginning story starts.
Quincy? Dies holding the door or something.
Atta? Dies during reboot.
Juno? Killed by Omni at the end of story 1.
None will be in the story going beyond the reboot.
Janus wakes up effectively as Omni.
Janus is effectively locked away inside his own mind. For 80 years. Until the end of story 2 or three after the reboot which also sees the destruction of the STIM storage systems and the implementation of an ever-present guardian code to protect privacy in the form of Yorik. Yorik sacrifices thonself this time. With Janus’s support. The world is left reconciled on a constructive path.
Omni After Reboot
Omni, now in Janus’s body, wants to re-establish contact with the Omni network.
Omni builds a school to re-teach coding and thus also to teach re-coding.
A lot of people are looking for someone to follow.