New Beginning Characters
History Emergent Character H.E.
TheStory Characters
New Beginning
The Characters
Uli - Uli comes from the Outland settlement to the west of what was once known as Philadelphia. Uli means noble leader in german.
Uli has many little hide aways around town and in the woods.
Zoo - Zoo is a re-coder. He buys scavenged machinery, gadgets, robotics, etc. copies and sells the software as well as the hardware. He also repurposes and writes his own code for hardware and tinkers with junk to build his own bots.
DoAnna - The old story teller, the character that passes the wisdom. Name comes from Enheduanna, the earliest literary author known by name (Sumerian).
Enheduanna was the daughter of King Sargon of Akkad and High Priestess of the moon god Nanna (Sin). She is one of the earliest women in history whose name is known.
Annti - name come from the suffixes tian, trius, tri meaning follower and Ansel, which means "with divine protection or follower of a nobleman". Also inspired by my friend Antti, the couchsurfer from Finland that had a rubber raincoat.
Antti is an agent of Omni, a leader of a group/gang of Collectors, that goes around and collects tech and code from scavengers (because it's faster than doing the scavenging themselves).
Etch/Etcher - Zoo's brother. A firm believer in minimal government and regulation. A rabble rouser. He is based off of Samuel Adams (political writer, tax collector/fire warden. Founded the Sons Of Liberty).
He is the Marius of the story.
Etch means