Shepard Spy: The Gospel of Judas (an actual lost book/Gnostic text)

The Gospel of Judas - “An ancient text lost for 1,700 years says Christ’s betrayer was his truest disciple.”

The Gospel of Barnabas indicates that Judas actually took Jesus’ place on the cross. The gospel then mentions that after three days since burial, Judas's body was stolen from his grave, and then the rumors spread of Jesus being risen from the dead. When Jesus was informed in the third heaven about what happened, he prayed to God to be sent back to the earth, and descended and gathered his mother, disciples, and followers, and told them the truth of what happened. He then ascended back to the heavens, and will come back at the end of times as a just king.

Hint that Jesus and Judas become secret lovers? This is why Judas is said to betray Jesus with a kiss. Judas comes to warn Jesus that the Romans are coming for him. Jesus says not to worry, it’s all part of the plan. Judas weeps and kiss him goodbye.

Peter has told the Romans this would happen because he has witnessed fleeting glances of their affection. He turns Jesus in because he is jealous.

Need some montages throughout.

Message: It doesn’t matter if Jesus is a fake or not, the people love him and believe him and he makes them happy.

Judas and Jesus:


Jesus is a great guy, although he’s really a pawn (something not even he knows).

Judas is a Snape like figure. Seems like a bad guy and may have been at the beginning but in the end he is the greatest guy. He still feels like shit though.

Judas Iscariot - Iscariot from the latin sicarius (“muderer” or “assassin”) which would indicate either an appropriated name or that he is from the Sicarii, the most radical Jewish group, some of whom were terrorists.  -