TheStory Episode List
The aim is for TheStory to be an epic
TheStory is an epic chronicling the fall of privacy and the rise an AI king from the perspectives of both those for and those against told across multiple generations through a global “reboot” and beyond.
It illustrates the strategic maneuvers of the startups, corporate players, and politicians as they all seek to advance their visions for the future and establish legacy in a world where everything is known yet forgotten.
Episode name ideas: Epistemology, Alignment, Agency, Intention, Curiosity, Coordination
Centered on a Year Zero, reboot
Organize chronologically by scene
By narrative chunk
By character
With links to scenes that fill in gaps or refresh
Organize on vortex timeline with ~80 year turnings
Vortices split off as we colonize and merge as we develop stronger communication
If it were animated, ultimately perhaps it could be dynamically updated as time passes and technology evolves to keep the story relative to present
Thestory i
Janus Grandpa Story
Nox maneuvers to abolish privacy.
Arch, Janus grandpa, is a privacy activist that gets a job as a janitor at the premiere tech company, Atlas Decryption, run by Nox. Undercover journalist. He’s got an agenda. Is he in an organization?